Friday, August 14, 2015

Coming Home to Pet Stains

                Everyone loves having that special life companion from the animal kingdom. Pets are always fun to have. They are fun to run around the backyard with, a joy to attack with tickles and belly rubs, exciting to teach and learn new things from and always emotionally comfortable to just have around when you need something to hug when dealing with a low point in your day. Sometimes without trying they can put a real smile back in our lives when life just keeps trying to put us down.
                Like everyone in life pets can have a bad day too. After a long day of being away from home and finally putting it all behind you, walking in the door can sometimes be joyous yet confusing when Poodles gives you that face of “Im glad your home but please don’t be angry about the puddles on the living room carpet.” The thought of relaxing on the couch and tuning into today’s new episode, has now turned into an evening of spraying and scrubbing while hoping and praying that dog stain treatment spray you got for cheap will work its magic and make everything brand new again.
                After more spraying and more scrubbing, it is starting to feel like the more you apply the bigger the stain becomes, the more you scrub the stronger the smell gets. The only thing that is left, is for your friends to call and inform you that they feel like coming over and finding out more about where the next night of fun should be. Somehow, with Poodle’s new puddles and your ability to turn your living space into a gas chamber, doesn’t feel like this problem is going to go away any time soon.
                You need HELP! NOW! But who do you call? Where do you find them? How can you explain your situation to ensure that you get the right answers?
Pet oopsies have been a part of a pet owner’s life since the beginning of time when Humans first allowed their pets into their cave. The good news is that help is not too far away. EG Cleaning has been able to help customers with many emergency pet problems having a success rate of 80% removal when the issues were treated within 24 hours. We can ensure that the stain will not continue to grow, and your living room can once again be available within 3-4 hours of being treated so that you can relax without concern that it smells like something might have died on your living room carpet. Our process is quick and painless which also guarantees that no harm will come from the solutions and deodorizing that will be used to clean up after Poodles.
                So, you can relax and know that everything will be ok once you give us a call and let EG Cleaning take care of the mess for you. Like this, you can go back to the tickle attacks and fun time that you and Poodles would rather be doing instead of dealing with messy and smelly pet oopsies that try and invade your home and carpets. Our number is 773.455.5792 or you can email us @

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